The meaning behind Buffett's powerful statement - say No to almost everything
His advice also applies to #salesprofessional arriving at the crossroads of daily decision-making. We are driven for results, doing more, learning things, and getting promoted. We want to crush our numbers (goals) without crushing our personal lives.
Warren Buffett's advice will help you with:
Being successful – focusing on revenue generating activities
Achieving work-life balance – doing more in less time
Gaining control of your life
It means saying NO, over and over again, to the unimportant things flying in our direction every day and remaining focused on saying yes to the few things that truly matter.
Here are things the most successful #salespeople say no to on a regular basis. Perhaps you should too?
They say no to opportunities and things that don't move anywhere and just suck their time or attention. Their pipelines are full of real opportunities.
They say no to spending time with uninspiring, critical, or negative people who drag them down. Time is precious -- choose a small circle of people who will energize you and challenge you to be better.
They say no to overworking. They invest their efforts to be successful but do not neglect self-care and family. They recognize that if they can't take care of themselves, everything else suffers.
They say no to people-pleasing. They form relationships that are rooted in value creation and authenticity. If you bring value and you know how to articulate it, you do not need to please.