
s Leadership. We hear this term a lot, but what does it really mean? Who is a sales leader? How do you become one? It seems like everyone has their own opinion. Maybe, we can figure it out by looking at what a sales leader is NOT. A SALES LEADER IS NOT… …A RARE BREED - You don't have to be born with a special gene to be a sales leader. You already have what it takes to inspire others. The challenge is to unleash the leader within you. …AN ARROGANT PERSON - Your leadership skills are not something you invented. You learned them from others, and you can always learn more. Leadership makes you humble. …A SELFISH PERSON - A sales leader doesn't just care about their own quota. They care about the whole team and the company. …A LONELY WOLF - A sales leader doesn't want to be the only star in the sky. They empower others to discover their own leadership potential. …A BOSS - Don't get me wrong, managers are important. They make sure things run smoothly and efficiently. Sales leaders create new possibilities, new visions, new realities. Leaders challenge the status quo and inspire others to do the same. …A DREAMER - A sales leader doesn't just imagine a better future. A sales leader makes it happen. Leadership is not a fantasy; it's a reality. A reality that you can shape with your actions. …A SUPERHERO - A sales leader doesn't have to be everywhere at once. A sales leader doesn't have to do everything by themselves. A sales leader knows how to delegate, collaborate, and facilitate. A sales leader trusts their reps and supports them. …A GURU - A sales leader doesn't have to know everything. A sales leader doesn't have to be perfect. A sales leader just must be authentic, honest, and generous. A sales leader just has to share what they have learned and keep learning. A sales leader shows us that we are not stuck in the present, but we can shape the future. That we are not victims of circumstances, but we can create opportunities. That we are not followers, but we are leaders. What do you think? Do you like this version better? How do you define sales leadership? I would love to hear your feedback in the comments below. Inspired by a post by R. Simon Jacobson from the Meaningful Life Center -